Log no. 1714052974

Time to setup my To Do list!
Edit and populate today (04/25/2024) before 3:00 PM PDT

My To Do list
Coursera Certifications

Microsoft Certifications

NetCad Certifications

Skills for All Certifications


  1. The Power of UNWAVERING FOCUS by dandapani

Log no. 1714205320

Time to get going!

Log no. 1714205313

I studied very little today, but the weekend has started, which means I can study all day long for the next two days!
The time is 1:06 AM PDT, so I am going to take a little nap and let the fun begin when I awaken. 🙂

Site up! 😋

Site: https://obey.work
Date Created: April 24, 2024
Site purpose: What I say I will do. Self-fulfilling prophecy!



comply with the command, direction, or request of (a person or a law); submit to the authority of.
  • carry out (a command or instruction).
  • behave in accordance with (a general principle, natural law, etc.).


Middle English: from Old French obeir, from Latin oboedire, from ob- ‘in the direction of’ + audire ‘hear’.

Log no. 1714034404

Exhausted! @ 1:45 AM PST.

I am going to take a nap and wake up at 5:30 AM PST.