Log no. 1714205320

Time to get going!

Log no. 1714205313

I studied very little today, but the weekend has started, which means I can study all day long for the next two days!
The time is 1:06 AM PDT, so I am going to take a little nap and let the fun begin when I awaken. 🙂

Log no. 1714052974

Time to setup my To Do list!
Edit and populate today (04/25/2024) before 3:00 PM PDT

My To Do list
Coursera Certifications

Microsoft Certifications

NetCad Certifications

Skills for All Certifications


  1. The Power of UNWAVERING FOCUS by dandapani

Site up! 😋

Site: https://obey.work
Date Created: April 24, 2024
Site purpose: What I say I will do. Self-fulfilling prophecy!



comply with the command, direction, or request of (a person or a law); submit to the authority of.
  • carry out (a command or instruction).
  • behave in accordance with (a general principle, natural law, etc.).


Middle English: from Old French obeir, from Latin oboedire, from ob- ‘in the direction of’ + audire ‘hear’.

Log no. 1714034404

Exhausted! @ 1:45 AM PST.

I am going to take a nap and wake up at 5:30 AM PST.